
小山陽子 “Renée, la lune”

小山陽子の新作の“Renée, la lune”は、“she, sheep”、“no dark”から続く、作家自身の部屋の暗闇を捉えた写真で構成される作品です。注視し続けなければ、決して浮かび上がってくることのないイメージ。今回小山は、自身の闇へ向かう意識を、マルゲリーテ・セシュエーの報告する分裂病の少女、ルネに重ねるかたちで説明を試みます。現実の世界を取り囲む、底知れぬ非現実の世界に気づいたとき、人間の精神はバランスを欠き、頼りなく振動し、崩壊に向かい始めます。ルネは、自身を取り囲む非現実の途方もない深みを、光の国と名づけ、それと抗い続けていくことになります。小山の凝視める闇は、絶望を象徴するそれではなく、むしろ、絶望から脱するための糸口のようなものなのです。

Yoko Koyama’s new work “Renée, la lune,” which follows her earlier works “she, sheep” and “no dark,” consists of photos that capture the darkness of the artist’s own room. As in those previous works, the images in her photos do not manifest themselves unless one closely examines them. In this exhibition, Koyama attempts to demystify her own mind that is turned toward darkness through superimposing it with the mind of a schizophrenic girl named Renée, who appears in Marguerite Sechehaye’s book “Autobiography of a Schizophrenic Girl: The True Story of “Renée.” When human beings become aware of the unfathomable, unrealistic world that surrounds the real world, their minds tend to lack balance, vulnerably waver and then begin to collapse. Renée called the unfathomably deep unreality surrounding her as “The Land of Light,” and continued her attempt to resist entering that land. The darkness that Koyama focuses on does not symbolize Renée’s state of despair, but acts as a clue for her to escape from despair.


opening party
2008.11.22(sat) 17:00-

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